Test custom metadata

👵 fully programmable stress testing framework

Test custom metadata

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For the advanced users, you may choose to use grandma reports for more robust statistical calculations (parse at your own risk). In those cases, you may wish to have additional metadata output in each report entry. You can do that using the data object in the test context. Anything stored in data will be output to the final report line in the test output. Here is an example:

module.exports = {
    beforeAll: function(done) {
        // set any number or string value
        this.data.someNumber = 1;
        this.data.someString = 'value';

    beforeEach: function(done) {
        // use previously set values

    test: function(done) {
        // overload the entire object
        this.data = { test: 'yes' };

    afterEach: function(done) {
        console.log(this.data.test); // 'yes'
        console.log(this.data.someNumber); // undefined


Note that due to sharing data across threads, only strings and numbers will be preserved in the data bucket. This is the same limitation as the rest of the shared context.